The body of each individual male orgasms in its own unique way. As I was watching this video, I did not focus on the penis, but raterer, I focused in each case on the whole body. I found it truly fascinating to observe the similarlites and differences in how each of these male bodies orgasmed.
i had a dream i was a doctor who got to do this to the whole football team in the stadium with the other students watching and the cheerleaders + the girls they liked and wanted were my assistants, no ugly layers only the best.
Always very exiting to see a guy gettinkgmilked to hear them moan, see their face expression their shaking body and the cum load wich is every time a surprise how it will come out
If any, or all, of these, guys need me to cum along with my cameras, so they can concentrate on the matters in hand, then I’d be willing to attend and do the filming for them….. I guess I’d have to be naked too……and join in if needed…